Christine Danh
Merged in a post:
User Permission - Restrict Certain Users from Deleting Activites
Natalie Smith
Customer has requested a specific user role privilege that restricts the ability to delete any activities in Hi Rasmus
Christine Danh
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Additional user privileges - Mastering workflows
Courtney Tarbox, MS, BCBA
It would be very useful to turn off permissions for adding workflows to org settings. Our BCBAs seem to be doing this by default rather than adding, then editing for a learner, so the list of organization workflows is getting long and less efficient.
Christine Danh
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Limited access user profile
B. Kuereine Gray
Would love a user profile with access more restricted than a behavior technician or parent for third party provider/ users who are not in agency but may take data like home health aides, babysitters, or other outside agency support staff. This would allow data to be collected without being able to access all files and progress as a parent or technician on a case or having parent and technician access limited so the designated party can take data.
Christine Danh
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Disallow User Roles from Creating Workflows & Templates
Stephanie Dewante, M.A., BCBA
Christine Danh
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Add "Edit workflows" as a checkbox permission
Christopher Brown
Instead of requiring a user from being a "Supervisor", add "Edit workflows" as a checkbox permission. Because this was not listed as a permission, there is no explicit mention of how to grant that ability to users. We experimented and found out you have to make someone a supervisor
Christine Danh
Merged in a post:
Client Data Field as permission to be turned on and off at user permission setting
Cortney Keene
We are looking to use client data fields to populate information into dynamic fields in the treatment plan template. In order for our BCBAs to keep those fields updated they need to have supervisor permission level, which gives them other editing options that we cannot turn off that gives us pause. Not because they would do anything intentionally, it does open up lots of room for error that impacts the entire organization for innocent mistakes while working through their responsibilities.
Stephanie Dewante, M.A., BCBA
This would be very helpful for my organization as well!