Christine Danh
Merged in a post:
Easier flow between graphs
Helene Czech LBA
Christine Danh
Merged in a post:
Next and back buttons in the progress section
Makayla Violette
Adding next and back buttons to toggle through programs in the progress section when reviewing data instead of having to click back out to the progress page and having to scroll back through all of the objectives
Christine Danh
Merged in a post:
hold place in progress window
Alison Fera
So difficult when reviewing the graphs of all of the active programs to navigate back and forth - so either a better way to scroll through programs as others have suggested (maybe a back / forth feature to move from one program to the next) or at least when we hit the "back" button from a program graph, it will take us back to where we were on the progress page where all of the programs are listed so we don't have to scroll down and find where we were again.
Emily Regan
This would be great!!
Rachel Pinkham
Great idea!! Would be super helpful!
Christine Danh
Merged in a post:
"Next" button in program list and for graphs
Jessica Slaton
We really need a "next" button and "back" button to move between looking at programs in the program list, and looking at graphs in the progress page. As a school with full time 1:1 instruction, our students have so many IEP objectives that we may end up with 75+ programs for each student in Hi Rasmus. Reviewing programs to ensure they're set up correctly or reviewing graphs for progress gets hard because the clinician must click out of that program or graph, then scroll scroll scroll way down in the list to find the next program or graph, open it, click back out, keep scrolling again to get to the next one, etc. We have staff who are not reviewing graphs or programs as often as they should because of the amount of clicking back and scrolling they have to do.